Eligibility Checker

Provide the requested information below to determine your preliminary eligibility for the selected program.

*If your family is experiencing homelessness or otherwise without consistent shelter/housing, please enter your nighttime address.

  • Need help?

  • Preschool@seattle.gov
  • (206) 386-1050
  • Language assistance available.
  • የቋንቋ እርዳታ አለ።
  • 提供语言协助。
  • Kaalmada luqadda waa laga heli karaa.
  • Gargaarsi afaanii ni jira.
  • Hay asistencia disponible en varios idiomas.
  • ናይ ቋንቋ ሓገዝ ክርከብ ይኽእል እዩ።
  • Có sẵn hỗ trợ bằng ngôn ngữ.