Your applications and enrollments for the Seattle Preschool Program are listed below.

To apply to and enroll in the Seattle Preschool Program, parents or guardians will enter information about their child and household and will submit documentation verifying eligibility. Areas of eligibility include City of Seattle residency and child age. The information you supply helps us ensure the program is serving eligible children who are Seattle residents. You will be able to upload documentation near the end of the enrollment process.

If you have questions about your Application Status, please contact the Department of Early Learning directly at

To edit an application or enrollment, select the down arrow to the right of the row, then select 'Edit'.

My Applications

Only one application per child, per school year is allowed.

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My Enrollments

If your child has been selected for SPP, you will see their name below and information about the preschool program!

If you do not see your child's name below, your child has not been selected. However, your application remains active for future placement opportunities.

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